
This climate change denier was taken down by their own logic – and it was glorious

With the Davos summit in the news, we’ve been seeing a lot of nonsense from climate change deniers and sceptics over the last couple of days, but for every idiot with their “If global warming is real, how come there’s still snow?” there are a dozen people citing science to put them back in their boxes.

In a now-deleted tweet, someone shared what they clearly thought was a zinger in the debate:

from Applause GIFs via Gfycat

As we all knew there would be, there was a hero waiting in the wings to put them straight, and this one did it by using the person’s own baffling logic.

Readers of the r/MurderedByWords subreddit were suitably impressed.

There are still people who think weather and climate are the same thing?


I like to point out to the crazed denialist fools that weather has actually been getting more wild and unpredictable FOR SOME REASON the last 30-40 years and the last few years especially.


“How can the titanic be sinking, my side of the ship is 400 ft in the air!”

CalLil6 57

It’s sunny outside. I keep hearing about this moon thing. Haven’t seen it in hours. Where’s your Hawkins, atheists?


It looks like GingaBlonde has had enough of the nonsense.

Climate change deniers (and flat earth promoters) are the summation of all human ignorance.

That’s a terrible way to talk about the US Senate.

Source Reddit Image Reddit, @markusspiske and @scienceinhd on Unsplash