
Author James Felton triggered Trump’s Space Force with a joke

When Donald Trump said the US should have a Space Force, we thought the White House staff would distract him with a burger and that would be the end of that. However, like a dog with a bone, the now-impeached President wouldn’t let it lie, so Space Force became a thing.

They recently revealed their fancy new name tapes adorning a camouflage uniform, although not camouflaged for space.

Best-selling author, James Felton, fired back a quip.

Now, we’re under no illusions that the US armed forces are a hotbed of improv comedy, but the sense of humour fail that followed was surprisingly public.

It’s okay, though, because the snarky riposte was accompanied by a popular reaction gif to show they’re not a bunch of humourless respondatrons, but a vibrant and engaging social media account reaching out to win hearts and minds.

via Gfycat

Naturally, James was taken by surprise.

And he wasn’t buying their flimsy cover story.

As a precaution, though, James had a request.

Fake news analyst and author, Alistair Coleman, had some troubling information.

Space Force wasn’t the only US agency taking an interest, probably through the magic of a social media manager running multiple accounts.

Someone named @boffingirl had a sneaking suspicion about the tetchy American tweeter.

Probably not – no spelling mistakes.


The US is launching a Space Force and the reactions are out of this world – the funniest 37

Source James Felton Image Space Force, NASA on Unsplash