
He thought he was winning but she just didn’t want to damage the TV

Not often we feature boxing on these pages but this 19-second clip is well worth a look.

We’re no experts but by the look on this guy’s face he thought he was well ahead on points and, well, he really wasn’t holding back.

And then this happened.

Maybe Maybe Maybe from r/maybemaybemaybe


charliewhiskeybane: ‘I thought for sure that TV was fucked.’

gHHqdm5a4UySnUFM: ‘She was holding back to protect the tv, a true hero.’

z_Gecko: ‘She definitely hustled him…’

Pherllerp: Yeah that dip and cross is practiced!

GoldGoose: ‘No doubt about it. Look at her hands at the beginning. She is sizing him up while keeping up a good guard. She did that little laugh, she set her stance. Saw this coming a mile away, because his defense was basically nonexistent.’

guitarplum: ‘I assume they’re brother and sister. If not that was vicious!’


‘Half of all boxing photos look like gay weddings’

Source Reddit u/handlewithcareme