
Simply the best comeback you’ll see to criticism of a full English

The UK has a curious attitude to patriotism as it’s quite capable of ripping its own failings to pieces and is more likely to try and declare smaller regions autonomous – try googling “Scouse not English” for a start.

However, never let it be said that Brits will allow Americans to say anything against the humble full English breakfast.

Professional holidaymaker, Bria Celest’s odd historical take received quite a backlash, with responses like these standing out.

But for the sheer level of sucker punch it packs, this comeback from @Glitterbeard_ can’t be beaten.

We’re all laughing now, but wait until the post-Brexit trade deal makes spray-on cheese the only affordable option.


Warning: this fried cheese cube recipe will clog your arteries just by watching it

Source Bria Celest Image Bria Celest