
Facepalm of the week

So near and yet so far. So very, very far.

And just a few of the comments it prompted after it was shared on Reddit.

ooddaa: ‘Bowls a 300 and complains about all the pins getting in the way.’

AwesomeMcoolname: ‘What if we tell them that the computer models for climate change predicted hotter, dryer, summers, leading to worse wildfires.’

kieran81: ‘She hit a home run and somehow managed to catch the ball heself.’

Joelblaze: ‘From what I gather, she’s trying to say ‘stop using my struggles to further your own agenda.” Without realizing that stopping said struggles is the “agenda.” This sort of nonsensical thing happens when you’re brainwashed to hate everything someone says.’


Facepalm of the week. No, not this week. Another week

Source Reddit u/genius23sarcasm