
This bride offered to pay for a bridesmaid’s shoes and she went for it, she really went for it

It’s only natural if you’re getting married that you might offer to help out with some of the expenses of the bridesmaids or ushers, particularly if you have specific requests about what you’d like them to wear.

But if the bride or groom does offer to pay for some of your outfit, surely the response is not to do this, a bride who offered to pay for her bridesmaids’ shoes and, well, this happened.

Not for nothing did the tale go viral on Reddit after it was shared by palm-vie and here are our favourite things people said about it.

Rouzen01: ‘”No, honey, it’s cheaper shoes or nothing.” Give her that line and if she fusses then axe her from being a bridesmaid and she can be a regular guest.’

onlyavoice: ‘I came fully prepared to be on the bridesmaid’s side (it can be hella expensive!) But um, why she so crazy? If the only prereq on the shoes is that they’re silver, it would be easy to find a cheap pair that works for you. And since the bride is paying for everything which is insanely generous of her, then picky bridesmaid should zip it and find a payless.’

palm-vie: ‘I’ve never understood how some people expect others to buy or pay for things that they cannot afford for themselves – GTFOH with that mess.’

Or, as someone else suggested, she can always go barefoot instead.


This bride demanded all her bridesmaids be the same height and she wins bridezilla of the week

Source Reddit u/palm-vie Image