
When design has a complete taste bypass – 16 amazing examples

Thanks to Bored Panda, we’re now horribly fascinated with an Instagram account, called pleasehatethesethings, which shares examples of serious taste bypasses in all forms, from the worst clashing colour schemes to ill-advised design themes and whatever falls in between those things. It’s like car-crash viewing – so terrible but we can’t drag our eyes away – and these are the best, which is to say the worst, we’ve seen so far.

1. Who wouldn’t want to skin Scooby Doo for a stair covering?

2. Good luck moving that to do the decorating

3. A fabric-covered toilet seems in no way dangerously unhygienic

4. Either they didn’t think this through – or they did, which is worse

5. This probably devalued the entire street by 70 per cent

6. Firstly, what are those legs? Secondly, why does the ceiling look like skin? Thirdly, kill it with fire.

7. Not enough nope in the world for these hairy stairs

8. Thank you, but no thank you, hardware store of nightmares