
This fabulous Finnish word is made even better by this Guardian think piece all about it

The Finnish language is the best language. And this is why.

And it must be true because the Guardian went and wrote a rather serious-looking think piece about it.

And it makes the whole thing even better. Here’s just a bit of it.

‘The liberating effect of this Finnish path to happiness derives from simple elements: comfortable clothes, alcohol imbibed in appropriate amounts and no intention of going out. All you really need is the foresight to prepare. Pack the fridge full of budget-brand artisanal beer, stock up on dips, crisps and chocolate – and make sure you have the latest psychological drama ready to watch on Netflix.

‘When you get home, immediately strip off your outer layers of clothing (the basic rule: take off anything that’s even mildly uncomfortable or formal). Dressing for pantsdrunk generally means undressing. Gradually you’ll reach the most pleasurable moment of your striptease: the slow peeling off of your sweaty socks from your feet, a sensation that deserves its own Scandi expression. Now saunter to the kitchen and grab one of the cold beers from the fridge. Sink down on the sofa in your underwear and let out a deep sigh of relief.’

Or, in 5 words: ‘Get drunk in your pants’.

Read the whole thing here.


This Finnish river has drawn a cock and balls on the map and the puns keep coming

Source Imgur Guardian