
This entitled arsehole wasn’t content with their friend’s spare ticket, they wanted the whole package

There’s a whole subReddit devoted to ‘choosing beggars’, defined as people who are ‘way too picky’, which might more straightforwardly be called ‘people who take the piss’.

And this exchange, shared by soggypierogies is a classic of the genre, someone who was offered a spare concert ticket and it really did escalate from there.

Lots of people liked the line ’17h drive is only 2 hours away from 11h drive’ but Last word to KarateKid1984.

‘”Heeeeey guuuuuurl. Mind driving hours way out of your way so I can go to a concert? Heard your bf was loaded so you can pickup the tab! It’s my birthday and if you don’t make this happen, I’ll kill myself. You wouldn’t like my brother when I’m dead. He’ll kill you. Thanks whore bitch! xox”
And that’s how you unfriended and blocked a bitch.’


Someone giving away a sofa got this unexpected and unwelcome offer

Source Reddit