
This perfect takedown of a troll who targeted Greta Thunberg ended up making all her points for her

Another day, another troll taking aim at Greta Thunberg. And this one went viral because of this rather wonderful response which demonstrated how they were actually making all her points for her.

‘The best part is this,’ said Ashenspire.

‘This 16 year old has zero power in decision making to package everything in single use plastic. She’s pointing out that it shouldn’t be up to her to have to find an alternative. The manufacturers of this garbage (literally) should be held accountable for what they’re doing, but nah. Let’s bully a 16 year old.’

SeattleBattles: ‘Sure, but how do you defend the fact that she is eating food????’


The takedown of this Greta Thunberg troll is why the entire quote matters

Source Reddit u/Desuka15