
Tim Burgess wins takedown of the week after Jeremy Clarkson called Greta Thunberg a ‘spoiled brat’

We don’t expect you to have read the column – eternity’s too short – but Jeremy Clarkson used his latest missive in the Sun to slag off Greta Thunberg, calling her a ‘spoiled brat’.

Here’s just a tiny, tiny bit of what he had to say.

‘So how dare you stand there and lecture us, you spoilt brat. And yes, you are spoilt because when you told your mum and dad to stop using planes and give up meat, they didn’t behave like sane parents and ignore you. They actually said, “Yes, dear.” And did.’

That’s enough of that. And there was no shortage of admirable responses, not least from Clarkson’s daughter, Emily.

But the best one was from Charlatans frontman, Tim Burgess.

And the perfect encore.



Jeremy Clarkson’s daughter Emily had the perfect riposte after he called Greta Thunberg a ‘spoilt brat’


People have been sharing this Tim Burgess tweet from 2015 because he saw it coming
