Weird World

This very poorly paid job ad takes ‘will work for food’ far, far too seriously

Worst job ad of the week is surely the one shared by Redditor auzy63 from American employment search engine called Indeed.

It’s a temporary contract for a food photographer and, well, have a read for yourself. See if you can spot the bit where it goes wrong, very, very wrong.

So you buy $25-30 of food, which you’re not allowed to expense because you get to eat it, and the pay is … $25?

‘Yeah, I’m not sure that the “will work for food” crowd is on Indeed,’ said TheJamesOfLife

‘It’s not even necessarily will work for food, since it could still end up costing you five bucks,’ pointed out NyxNay

Last word to Gillmacs. ‘Not to mention, with proper food photography there’s no way you’d want to eat it by the time you were done shooting it!’


‘When you lie on your CV and you still get the job’
