
Rachel Johnson savagely condemned brother Boris’s language – the only 5 reactions you need

Boris Johnson’s family aren’t in the “blood is thicker than water” camp, having split over the issue of Brexit, with Boris being the only Leave voter, although he’s now supported by his father, Stanley. His brother, Jo, stepped down from his government position over disagreements with the administration’s Brexit strategy.

Probably the most vocal and visible Remainer, however, has been his sister, Rachel, who joined the Lib Dems before moving to the Independent Group for Change, or whatever they’re called these days. On Thursday, Rachel Johnson unequivocally condemned her brother’s tone around the Brexit debate.

In a separate interview for Radio 4, she suggested he might be under pressure from people set to make billions from Brexit.

This is what people have been saying about the developments.





Shappi Khorsandi spotted a potential side-effect.


And Kevin Maguire wondered about her political prospects.

Source: Sky News Image: Sky News, Twitter screengrab

Read more: Boris Johnson just suffered his 7th Commons defeat in a row – only 5 responses you need