
The Express was confused by Question Time panellist Ash Sarkar’s ‘strange slang term’ – only 4 replies you need

The Daily Express was left scratching its head – like, really scratching its head – after one of this week’s panellists used a ‘strange slang term’ which left it utterly bamboozled.

The paper reports – we’ve read it so you don’t have to – that journalist and activist Ash Sarkar was ‘caught using a strange slang word that host Fiona Bruce said had never been used on the show before.

‘In response to Lib Dem deputy leader Ed Davey commenting on Labour’s Brexit stance, Ms Sarkar called Mr Davey a slang word.’

Seriously though, what did she say?

A seminal moment in the history of the show, we’re sure you will agree.

These 4 replies pretty much say it all.

And while we’re here, enjoy Ash Sarkar’s face when Mark Francois says if the UK doesn’t leave the EU on 31 October, Britain will ‘explode’.
