
A Kenyan assembly session had to be abandoned due to a terrible fart

Occasionally, we might say that something stinks in Westminster, but in the county assembly in Kenya’s Homa Bay, someone dropped a fart so bad they had to evacuate the chamber (not a euphemism). The incident made it onto the BBC News, which is pretty good going for a fart, and the report stated that assembly member, Julius Gaya addressed the meeting with these words:

“Honourable Speaker, one of us has polluted the air and I know who it is,
I am not the one. I cannot do such a thing in front of my colleagues.”

Which very much sounds like something somebody would say if they’d just dropped a silent-but-deadly in a public space.

via Gfycat

Here’s the very understated and sensible way the BBC reported it to Twitter.

And that’s where understated and sensible ended, and fart jokes began.








Sadly, the culprit hasn’t come forward, in spite of the added propulsion.

Nene Aloka had an idea.

It probably wouldn’t help. Trump crowds are used to the stench of bullsh*t.

Source: BBC
H/T: Karl Sharro