
Michael Spicer takes us back to a room next door to Liz Truss in 2014

Back in 2014, before she reached the dizzy heights of *checks notes* person who walks around with an empty red folder, Liz Truss was the Minister for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, which was the topic of a speech she made to the Conservative Party conference. To put it mildly, it’s not the most compelling speech we’ve ever seen, which is why it’s been mercilessly ripped since resurfacing recently.

Unfortunately for her, the speech came to the attention of Mr Michael Spicer, and he delved into styles past to produce a faultless interpretation of what must have been going on in the room next door.

How he managed to find something funnier than her face after the big pork markets announcement is a mystery, yet here we are. These comments reflect how well the sketch went down on Twitter.

Matthew Johnston had high praise for Michael.


Read more:

Michael Spicer’s “Room next door” take on Boris Johnson’s speech is note perfect

Liz Truss boasted about phoning Australia and got taken down (under) – our 11 favourite reactions