
A story about a terrible comedy gig will give you hope

Comedy is subjective, which is why Jim Davidson still gets booked, so it’s fair to say that the audience and circumstances of a stand-up gig are important in terms of how the performance will be received. Comedian Ashley Blaker has shared an anecdote about a spectacularly bad gig he was unfortunate enough to witness, and it’s a must-read for so many reasons.

The expectations of the audience are a crucial component.

The comedian should be able to make themselves seen and heard with ease.

Otherwise, what’s the point?

An audience or client won’t necessarily appreciate what’s gone wrong.

The blame can land in the wrong quarter.

However, a bad gig isn’t the end of the world, or the end of a career.

And this is proof.

Ashley’s thread has gained some traction – particularly amongst other comedians.

The story certainly gave hope to Welsh-Spanish stand-up comedian, Ignacio Lopez.

That’s exactly how it works.

Source: Ashley Blaker