
People want Guinness to re-run this old ad to annoy the homophobes

Back in 1995, Guinness ran a clever ad that played on those old gender stereotypes we’re still fighting. The fact that the couple in the scenario were both male brought out the bigotry in a way that can sadly still be seen daily, on social media, in the comments of the tabloid press and outside a school in Birmingham.

This is the “offending” ad.

What’s not to like – apart from the taste of Guinness, possibly?

In case you missed it, the tagline was “Not everything in black and white makes sense.”

And this is an example of something in black and white that didn’t make sense.

When human rights campaigner, Peter Tatchell, shared the ad, people love it, and many wanted it to be reinstated.

Twitter user @Jonesidentity thought it went beyond selling people pints of stout.

As Peter Tatchell pointed out, running it again could have another side-effect.

Pride month may be over, but Pride isn’t. The ball’s in your court, Guinness.

Source: Guinness
H/T: Peter Tatchell