
James O’Brien absolutely nailed the state of Brexit – again

When the Brexit-supporting parties – particularly UKIP and the Conservatives – took a pasting in the local elections, whilst the anti-Brexit parties made record gains, it was interpreted by the government and some of the media as a sign that the UK wants Brexit more than ever.


LBC presenter, James O’Brien turned his analytical mind to providing his listeners with a sort of Brexit State of the Union, and laid it bare – warts and all.

“Either I am some sort of all-seeing prophet with a weapons-grade crystal ball, or every single syllable of this whole sorry saga was predictable, discernible and inevitable.”

“Theresa May chose to put her fingers in her ears, to cover her eyes, to ignore Cambridge Analytica, to ignore Vote Leave’s cheating, to ignore the Electoral Commission’s findings, to ignore the mystery of where the £8m for Leave.EU came from, to ignore the fact that people’s Facebook pages were full of lies of an unprecedented and unbelievable scale, she chose to ignore all that.”

When LBC shared it on Twitter, not everybody agreed with the analysis.

But it really hit home for a lot of people.

One Twitter user summed up the general reaction with depressing clarity.

Source: LBC