
What’s that you say? You want a video of Arnold Schwarzenegger on a bike, chasing a pony? Okay!

TikTok is fast overtaking SnapChat as the medium of choice for people young enough to be able to name three K-Pop stars and touch their toes without grunting or needing an ambulance. That doesn’t mean to say that the older generation aren’t enjoying the platform, too, as this clip posted by actor and politician, Arnold Schwarzenegger, shows.

“Whiskey the mini-pony has a morning fitness routine, too. #likearnold”

The country & western soundtrack makes it even better, as does the involvement of Arnold’s faithful companion, Gustav.

Twitter user Toenails shared it on his account, where it picked up a lot of attention.

Fellow politician, Justin Kanew, said what we were all thinking.

Arnold Schwarzenegger chasing a tiny horse is the new mindfulness.

Source: TikTok
H/T: Toenails