
A note from a non-English-speaking nurse in China sent an unfortunate accidental message

Just about the worst place to encounter a language barrier is in a hospital, where you need to communicate your problem clearly and to understand the advice being given to you. When one international student in China took ill, a nurse used their ingenuity to tell the patient that they should have nil-by-mouth from 10 o’clock the night before their surgery. This is how they did it:

It’s mildly alarming, but presumably got the message across to the unfortunate student. It was shared by Redditor WaspDog, who wrote:

“An international student hospitalised in China and the nurse who couldn’t speak English, informed him about his surgery with this note.”

Reddit users have passed their verdict on the threatening missive.





One Redditor summed it up perfectly.

Source: Reddit
H/T: Bored Panda