Weird World

Just nine fascinating things humans have left over from our ancient ancestors

We may feel pretty modern, walking about with our phones that are also computers and cameras, but we’re actually carrying around a load of evolutionary baggage – characteristics that would have been useful to our ape-like ancestors, but do very little for us now. Evolutionary anthropologist, Dorsa Amir, has explained via a little Twitter thread what some of that baggage was for.

1. Do you have this muscle in your wrist?

2. We used to move our ears

3. The remains of a tail

4. We once had three eyelids

5. There’s a reason for goosebumps

6. Baby humans used to cling to their parents like chimps do

7, 8 and 9 – Wisdom teeth, appendix and male nipples – The worst firm of solicitors ever

Someone had a question for her.

We’ll let you know if there’s an answer.