
Fox News got Donald Trump’s name wrong – looks like the honeymoon’s over

Of all the news outlets in the US, Fox News must surely be the President’s biggest fans, giving him the benefit of the doubt every time he f_cks up or does something terrible, yet even they don’t love him anymore, apparently. Writer Dustin Giebel spotted this red flag for the Fox-Trump union and posted it on Twitter.

Let’s take a closer look.

David Trump? David Trump? DAVID?

He also posted a link, in case we found it too unbelievable.

Maybe it’s because he didn’t win and Fox hates losers – who knows? There was a bit of piss-taking, naturally.

There was a potential explanation for the glaring error, which involved “David Denison, Trump’s pseudonym in the Stormy Daniels case.

It wasn’t even the only mistake in the news item.

As somebody once said, “It’s spelt FAUX.”

H/T Indy100