
A homophobic troll criticised a girl’s Halloween costume and got totally owned by her dad

When a 6-year-old girl had to pick a Halloween costume, she chose to dress as her favourite superhero, the Norse god Thor – Marvel edition. Her dad shared a photo of her on Reddit.

She looks great, right?

Her dad wrote

“my youngest daughter as Thor, her favourite superhero.”

But one Redditor looked right past the fact that she was dressed as either an alien or a god – or both – depending on your point of view, as well as the character having been taken from a film franchise, via a comic. This homophobe thought the most important thing was that Thor is male.

This is the comment they decided to direct at a 6-year-old’s choice of costume –

“This is how you create a lesbian. Better counteract now.”

Classy or what?

Little Thor’s dad wasn’t going to take that lying down, so he zinged back this beautiful takedown.

“So you think you there is something wrong if my daughter was to grow up to be lesbian? As her father all I want for my daughter is for her to grow up, be happy and be healthy, if she grows up to be gay and that makes her happy so be it..

You really need to take a look in the mirror and think do you want to be that person who tries to somehow in your twisted way insult a 6 year old who is clearly happy dressed as her favourite superhero?”

Which just about covers it. The nasty comment has been deleted – hopefully because they’ve taken a long hard look at themselves but more likely because they can’t cope with any additional burns after that one.

More reasonable people were rightly supportive of the dad and his little girl.

Looks to us like they’re both superheroes.

H/T someecards