
This crow has a cunning plan to get its beak on something shiny

It’s well known that crows are attracted to shiny things and will steal them given half a chance. They are also considered to be highly intelligent and can even use tools to get things done – not a pneumatic drill or anything, but they will use sticks to open something with food inside or will add stones to a container to raise the water level high enough to drink.

So, it’s no great surprise that a crow might also use its problem-solving skills to try and gain access to a shiny object. This crow worked out that the woman holding a shiny pan would have to put it down to fasten her laces. Just watch.

Now, that’s cunning. Sadly for the crow, the pan is too heavy and it has to admit defeat eventually. There’s a moral to this story:

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again

– then give up.

Source YouTube