
People can’t work out if this is a woman’s neck or her back because it looks just like both

First it was that black and blue (or white and gold) dress, then it was that whole ‘Laurel or Yanny?’ thing.

Now the question everyone’s asking is … ‘Neck or back?’

Well, not quite everyone, but this picture of the neck (or back) of a woman went viral because people couldn’t work out if it was her neck we were looking at (or her back).

So what do you see? A neck? A back? Or just 10 seconds of your life you won’t get back (oh come on, don’t be like that).

Here’s the original tweet that appeared to set everyone off.

And just a few of the thousands of responses it generated.

Just to clear it up, here’s the person to whom the back (or neck) belongs.

And this is what she had to say.

We’re still seeing a neck.
