
This student’s screw-up is a salutary lesson for us all

Whenever you are completing an online form and there’s a space which you leave blank with the intention of doing it later, the urge to fill it with nonsense can be overwhelming.

But it’s best not to. And here’s why, a tale in four parts shared by Zoey Oxley.


It begins with a new class home page – some dread thing called ‘turnitin’ – which allows you to submit all your assignments online (fear not, this isn’t the important bit).


So Zoey does this, knowing full well she’s going to change it later.


Except …

And if that’s tricky to read …

‘Professor Hendel,

I am writing this email very embarrassingly. As I began writing my paper, I wrote out the template. Unfortunately, I could not remember your last name so I filled it with something completely unprofessional.

It was my intention to change the name before submission, but it completely slipped my mind. I attempted to resubmit the assignment but was unable to.

I am so very sorry for the lack of respect that was used and again I apologise for the mistake. I hope this does not reflect what you think of me and that the next assignment I can address by the correction name.

Thank you again and I am so sorry.

Thank you



And then this happened.

See me (and we’re sure sticking it on Twitter made everything alright. Although, we guess he did it first).

Oh yes, thanks. And it turned out she wasn’t the only person who had done such a thing.
