
This chart showing your chances of dying during different activities might stop you doing anything at all

A day doesn’t go by without a new study telling us our life expectancy would be better if we drank more of this, ate less of that, stopped doing the other – not like that. Now, has collated all the latest information into one hand – yet terrifying – infographic.

There are some sporty activities, many of which you might never have to worry about.

Some are more commonplace.

Unsurprisingly, the most dangerous of these kinds of activity is throwing yourself off tall buildings.

Getting from A to B isn’t risk-free, either.

Driving has its – well documented – hazards.

As does flying.

Nor are we surprised that smoking and overeating are bad for our health.

Even dancing isn’t 100% safe.

But – computer games? REALLY?

Most shocking of all – 1 in 100 million people will die because of playing a board game.

What happens? Do they casually swallow the J they still have at the end of Scrabble and choke to death? Does a stray shovel ricochet into their eye during Buckaroo? By far the most likely explanation is that they just die of boredom after eight hours of Monopoly.

As if all this weren’t bad enough, also shares this nugget of information.

I’m going back to bed.
H/T someecards