
Jeremy Clarkson moaned about ‘today’s youth’ and these 7 responses really are top gear

Here’s Jeremy Clarkson moaning about young people today in the Sunday Times.

Here’s a taster of what the former Top Gear presenter had to say.

‘Over a lovely lunch on my holiday this year, one of the “old people” around the table said that Britain’s super-slack immigration policy means we are letting an army onto our shores. Well, the mood couldn’t have changed more quickly if she’d said: “I’ve just murdered 14 tramps.”

One of the young people began to sob. Actually sob. And another fixed the old person with a stare made from rage and bile, and explained that everyone from anywhere should be allowed to live wherever they like. And between mouthfuls of padron peppers, I agreed with this, saying that I’d love to live in George Clooney’s house on Lake Como.

This went down badly, so, as the lovely lunch was turning into a bit of a … ‘

That’s enough of that (actually, we have to pay to read more and we’d rather not do that). Instead, lets enjoy these responses instead. Much better.









Not everyone was having a go at Clarkson, though.

To conclude …