
A student bought a stranger coffee and the thank you note went viral

Someone called Mackenzie Mauller bought someone she didn’t know a cup of coffee in Starbucks and was amazed to find this note later in the day.

She shared it anline because she wanted to show people the value of small things to help other people, and it resonated so much it was shared more than 20,000 times.

And just in case that’s tricky to read …

“Thank you for the coffee! I rarely go to Starbucks and treat myself, but the last couple of months have been a bit of a struggle. My father just passed away and he was also my babysitter. My family and my children have had a really hard time. This morning my babysitter called off sick and I had to take the day off work. I decided to buy my kids breakfast and get myself coffee with total guilt because I am going to become a stay-at-home mom for awhile.

“Since I was not planning on going this route in my life, I was not emotionally and financially prepared to quit working. I cried when I found out you were so sweet to buy my coffee and thrilled to see you in a couple houses down from where I live. I felt it necessary to know that what you did for me was more than just a coffee. It was something that turned my whole day around, put tears in my eyes and a smile on my face and I feel so grateful.”

It’s not just about the note, it’s about what people said in response. Here’s a selection.

And then these guys got involved, but don’t let it put you off.
