
This apparently terrifying note turned out to be something quite different

A 35-year-old woman posted her worrying problem on Reddit, hoping someone could shed light on some mystifying notes written by her boyfriend.

This is a screenshot of her post.

It’s not that easy to read, so here’s a transcript.

“I’m [35F] am scared that my boyfriend of 1 year [M41] is going to do something terrible to my family

I’ve raised my 7 year old son as a single mother. But last year, I started dating and met my current boyfriend.

He’s perfect and is great with kids and we’ve even been flirting with the possibility of marriage recently.

That was until last week, I discovered some disturbing writing by his desk. I don’t know what it means and I’m getting really paranoid. I stole it from his desk. It says:

“Kill the KID

d4 Nf6 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 0-0 Be2 e5” I have no idea what these numbers/letters mean and I’m really worried about the title that says “Kill the KID”.

I’ve got a really overactive imagination, but I’m wondering if those numbers/letters are co-ordinates ofprevious children he’s killed or something sick like that.

I don’t know. Please just tell me I’m paranoid. I really like him and don’t know why he would write this.

tl;dr boyfriend has weird writing about killing what I assume is my kid”

You can see how worried she was. Luckily, she got an answer that must surely have set her mind at rest.

“Kill the KID is a chess book. KID stands for the kIng’s Indian Defense. The “co-ordinates” are chess notation.

The dude isn’t planning on killing your kids lmao”

Reporter Libby Hill shared the exchange on Twitter.

People couldn’t quite believe what they were reading.

Some suggested it might not be real.

And someone else made a good point about the relationship.

We’re just wondering why she waited until the following week to make enquiries about the possible murderer.