
15 extra-special gaffes sent into the News Quiz


“A local drug dealer was arrested on Thursday night. Strip searching the man, police found a large amount of crack down the back of his trousers.”

The Northampton Chronicle


“Van Gogh was bleeding copiously after slashing his ear with a razor, so he wrapped the piece of ear in paper and walked to his favourite brothel where he gave it to a young woman he knew.”

The Guardian


“Stench from Shropshire bio-gas site blamed on new employee.”

The Shropshire Star


“Latex-free condoms: 5 stars. Reasonable price, came quick.”

Amazon review


“A New Study finds that Uranus opens every few hours to release solar wind.”

International Business Times


“This toilet is a display model. Please ask a member of staff if you would like to watch a demonstration.”

The London Boat Show


“Cameron Diaz encourages women to keep their pubic hair in her new book.”

Graeme Forbes


“Are you a man aged over 40? Windsor Lions Club is offering free prostate cancer checks with the help of a local estate agent.”

The Royal Borough Observer
