
People are sharing the “little things that ruin TV shows and movies” and it’ll make you nod and go “yes, that’s WRONG”

M4ttso over on Twitter has posed a great question “What, if anything, can ruin a tv show/film for you? Mine is actors unrealistically drinking hot drinks”

At The Poke this provoked a chat around the office and here’s a few that bump us out of the action and make us aware we are watching a movie.

  • Almost every use of computers ever – our favourite was Richard Prior suddenly knowing how to program BASIC in Superman III – complete with typing commands like “LIST’ whilst claiming not to know what he was doing.
  • Action films being visually indistinguishable computer games – everything is exploding and the hero doesn’t get any damage.
  • Nighttime being too bright – OK, we get it, the viewer needs to be able to see what’s going on, but so many night scenes are floodlit like a football stadium between pools of blackness.

And of course, spotting a telephone number that starts with 555.

Anyway, enough of us, this question has provoked almost the entire Internet to attempt to answer and here’s 25 of their best.

1. “People booking flights and then dramatically changing their mind at the airport, seemingly unbothered by how much money they’ve just wasted” via @Eddierobson.

2. “‘Can you zoom in on this bit of grainy CCTV & enhance it with your magic computer so we can see the date on the coin he’s holding?’ ‘Sure'” via @Nick_pettigrew.

3. “Period dramas that show old books on shelves when, in fact, they would have been new” via @Davidallengreen.

4. “People dancing. A Brookside actor once told me they played a bit of music so people got the rhythm then turned it off so they could record voices” via @Thejuicybit.

5. “People using Bing to search” via @Ickle_tayto.

6. “Any plot that relies on a misunderstanding that could be corrected with a ten second conversation” via @Fil5000.

7. “Characters who are supposed to leave average, normal lives but have a SMEG fridge” via @Andreamann.

8. “Not staying down when they’ve been shot eleventeen times in the chest with high velocity rounds…” via @Billysbritain.

9. “People ‘smoking’. Inhale or don’t smoke” via @Ianmartin.

10. “Actors driving without looking at the road much and not getting into accidents because of it” via @Sarahmillican75.

11. “Unconvincing typesetting on newspapers” via @Ricardoautobahn.

12. “People with low-income jobs living in tastefully decorated massive loft apartments” via @Nick_pettigrew.

13. “Unnecessary captions. A shot of the Eiffel Tower. Caption. Paris. I know, thanks. I didn’t think we were in Maidstone” via @Fourfoot.

14. “Ordering fancy cocktails in a bar, taking one fucking sip, leaving” via @Inkyswampboy.

15. “Characters hanging up the phone without saying goodbye” via @Jellyscare.

16. “Being able to get a parking space directly outside the building you’re visiting” via @Scientits.

17. “Characters on TV shows/soaps never have the same Christian name, how is that possible?” via @Stuizy75.

18. “Women running at high speed through cities in sky-high, super-thin heeled stilettos” via @Tighe_er.

19. “The line ‘wow, you look like s***’ appears in like 50% of film/TV and yet NO ONE EVER SAYS THAT IRL!!!!!” via @Bethanyrutter.

20. “Extras not being able to speak.” via @Bunkanmerguson.

21. “Beeping computers, when they want to convey sophisticated technology they make it beep and click and whirr” via @Silverbeaq.

22. “In American tv and films women are always in bed with a bra on, even after sex when they get out of the bed their bra is on” via @Cazbabyblu.

24. “People getting out of bed and getting dressed, then going straight out without having a wee or a shower or cleaning their teeth. Mad” via @Dawneywawney.

24. “People being questioned by detectives & energetically carrying on task in hand so police have to follow them as they hang washing etc” via @Michellelga.

If you have more make sure you tell The Poke.