
Watch Frankie Boyle’s devastating takedown of Theresa May

Frankie Boyle’s devastating takedown of Theresa May will be 100 seconds of your time well spent.

Boyle said May was like a climber stuck halfway up a mountain.

“She has no choice – cling on or disappear, exist or die, and that’s why deep down I admire her, in a way I love her.

“Theresa May’s all of us, clinging on to our hopeless lives, our shitty dreams, she’s locked into an existential rictus of terror, devoid as we know of any other human quality except tenacity.

“No spark of wit, no warmth, no sincerity, no empathy, nothing except her refusal to let go and tumble away onto the blessed release of the rocks below.

“What a fucking monster.”

From Frankie Boyle’s New World Order on BBC2. Heck.
