
The 18 movie poster cliches – and what they tell you about the film

This is brilliantly done by LamerisiremaL who has identified a whole bunch of movie poster cliches and exactly what they tell us about the film we’re about to watch.

1. The ‘back to back’

Do the main roles have a hate/love relationship and are forced to work together to get the job done? Show them off with backs against each other.

2. ‘One eye’

One eye looking eerily to the public. Probably a horror movie, but human nature will be a theme.

3. ‘Yellow all over’

A bright yellow poster is probably an independent movie but with mainstream enough script so it is accessible for the main public

4. ‘Floating heads’

Big heads over small people, the beach or a desert. Silhouette at the ocean and pastel colours, bring your tissues because tears will flow with this emotional drama…

5. ‘Backshot of a loner’

Feel the drama while looking over the shoulder of our hero, he/she is most likely holding a weapon.

6. ‘In bed’

Main characters in a bed (often frowning to each other) indicates that the problems are just there, in the bedroom

7. ‘Blue’

Movies revolving around animals are most likely with blue posters and white letters, add a big moon for drama

8. ‘Black and white’

Black and white face and background with coloured flames, this will a packed action movie

9. ‘Skewed and running’

He’s running! But where? A thriller, the blue adds to the suspense as the main lead is unwillingly pulled into a drama in which he needs to discover something

10. ‘Red dress’

A woman in a red dress, it’s a romcom!

11. ‘Through the legs’

This movie poster signals the movie is about sex, nothing more nothing less

12. ‘Blindfolded hero’

This movie will be about the hero fighting for justice, not only with his fists but up against the bureaucracy/government

13. ‘Big font over a face’

A picture which looks from a booth with the name pasted of it, probably a remarkable non-traditional hero.

14. ‘Mosaic face’

Face made up from several object or pictures. A troubled hero or hero who struggles with his world/principles.

15. ‘Reflecting sunglasses’

It just makes people look tougher doesn’t it? No general movie type, just overly used.

16. ‘Over the shoulder’

A woman looking over her shoulder, this movie will have a tough / intelligent chick as lead or main role.

17. ‘The bench’

When the main characters are on a bench, the movie will be bout eccentric people. They have a problem but it can be solved with a positive attitude.

18. ‘Headless woman’

The lead can be tough funny or clumsy, again no real genre but overly used.


The Tom en profile:

On many of his movie posters the face of Tom Cruise is shown en profile. Can you blame him?

