
30 examples of design so brilliantly bad you will gasp or laugh out loud

1. ‘Seriously?’

Source: reddit by GallowBoob

2. ‘Poor URL choice by a Fagas Strap company’

Source: reddit by omicron7e

3. ‘This is supposed to show a man who hides his feeling, but to me it looks like he is thinking about some sad kid and laughing his ass of’

Source: reddit by Hircus2

4. ‘This hand dryer really blows.’

Great design!

Source: reddit by OMGLMAOWTF_com

5. ‘Tone rbig uass mistake pamerica.’

Source: reddit by hundreds_of_sparrows

6. ‘another example of unrealistic body expectations for men’

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Source: reddit by deepshitgoeshere

7. ‘An Ohio State scoreboard clock where the visitor is almost always winning’

Source: reddit by zharrhen

8. ‘My arms are about 7 feet long, so this wasn’t an issue for me’

Source: reddit by Tekki

9. ‘At least the floor drain works as designed.’

Made by Professionals…

Source: reddit by mmerwin2

10. ‘Toilets and mirror ceiling (xpost from /r/pics)’

Source: reddit by zorton213

11. ‘The tans will fade…’

Source: reddit by Roguecop

12. ‘We’re sorry…’

Source: reddit by 2ndmostimproved

13. ‘Why the hell do the weights make up the first H but not the last one?’

Source: reddit by WoodPeckker

14. ‘Kitten socks’

Source: reddit by KevlarYarmulke

15. ‘Ho ho ho, shit down my throat’

Source: reddit by PDwasHere

16. ‘How big is that watch?!’

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Source: reddit by skepticalDragon

17. ‘Handicap friendly access ramp? Don’t mind if I do! Oh wait…’

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Source: reddit by awkwardtheturtle

18. ‘LE TITS NOW (x-post)’

Source: reddit by Thee_Nick

19. ‘One of the worst flow charts I’ve seen in a while’

Source: reddit by Irate_Rater

20. ‘Toss me a cold one, will ya?’

Source: reddit by freakame


Source: reddit by RoscoeG

22. ‘Thanks, that button helps a lot…’

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Source: reddit by Luutamo

23. ‘Give up on your dreams’

Source: reddit by Mage42384

24. ‘I cancelled my transaction twice in a row by accident. I finally found out why.’

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Source: reddit by KearBear

25. ‘Literally can’t fall for this scam’

Source: reddit by Tramarius

26. ‘This JFK memorial’

Source: reddit by -Tilde

27. ‘Local restaurant doesn’t understand domain names.’

Source: reddit by CapnTyinKnots

28. ‘Proof your layouts, people.’

Source: reddit by Estoye

29. ‘If you were in a car, would you know what accident to do?’

Source: reddit by JoJoeyJoJo

30. ‘Suicidal holiday introvert, look no further’

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Source: reddit by George_E_Hale

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