
Woman gets man to clean up house using “Liquid Ass” and tells her story in Amazon comments

wagnerwheel over on Reddit writes, “An evil genius tells her story in Amazon comments”

“If anyone is interested, the active ingredient in *Liquid Ass* is probably skatole, an organic compound in the indole family which smells like flowers in low concentrations and feces in high concentrations. It is naturally present in jasmine and orange blossom.”, writes PMmeUrKittyCat.

In checking out the validity of this story (and yes this review really is on Amazon) – we found another review we found amusing.


WARNING NOT LUBRICANT!!! I have recently bought some of this liquid ass. I bought it because I thought it was sexual lubricant. It says it smells just like ass so I thought it would give me a more “real” experience using it with my sex toy. I immediately found out otherwise. First off the smell was awful, then if that’s not enough, my penis becomes very inflamed and starts to blister. I’m freaking out at this point! So I hurry and go to the hospital and they ended up having to do surgery on my penis. Now thanks to liquid ass, my penis is now a stub. Also I have to rub it with cream which burns like hell. Hopefully no one else has experienced this.

Source: Reddit