Weird World

A woman has shared her exchange with a “bats**t crazy” guy on Tinder and it’s jaw dropping

MsMessyClean has posted an exchange she’s had with a potential date on Tinder and it starts weird and gets weirder.

Who the hell asks someone about “birth control” before a date?

This guy apparently.

Make sure you read this in full:

Batshit Crazy Guy

So I matched a guy on Tinder. He seemed pretty normal as first, a few quirks here and there, but who am I to judge, right? Matched, had a brief conversation, asked for my number and I gave it to him. Talked two or three nights ago and agreed to go on a Wednesday date. After agreeing and chatting on the phone, something felt off. He was too offbeat and I began to feel uncomfortable. The following day he said a few things that didn’t sit with me. This is was the final thing that did it…




Around this time (4 pm) I was working and I had already told him this. He called non-stop. Within 5 minutes I had about 5 or 6 missed calls from him.



He pointed out that my sentences are incoherent, probably should have read his first text in this screenshot.


Is this flaking? Still unsure.


Still non-stop calling me at work…


and wtfffff.

Edit: For those that are asking, he wasn’t strange or creepy at first. It was when I had a conversation with him on the phone where I actually started getting a bad vibe. Phone conversation over, then the next day was where this shit hit the ceiling. What you’re reading here was within a 2.5-hour time span. Keep in mind that I was working, I can only glance at it here and there.
