
A brief guide to the best/worst surnames to appear on University Challenge

A contestant on a recent episode of University Challenge was hailed by some as having ‘the poshest name ever’. A name so posh it almost didn’t fit the space.

People commented about its difficult pronunciation as well as other problems it might give rise to.

But London-based history student Barto Joly de Lotbiniere is just one in a long line of people who have appeared on University Challenge with names that have caught the attention of the British public – here are some of the best/worst.

There was Gabriel Trueblood, the captain of St Peter’s College, Oxford. Or possibly Hogwarts.

‘Eezer Goode ‘Eezer Goode He’s Ebene-Bezer Goode

Perhaps not the best name to be the captain of St. George’s medical school.


Stop sniggering, this is a serious programme.

Luckily (for her) she didn’t answer a single starter question so her name wasn’t said much.

Jeremy Paxman said that Alex Guttenplan was “like a machine”. A KNOWLEDGE MACHINE.

This man, who clearly trumps Lotbiniere in giving the announcer cold sweats.

Well done to all of you, you are the true winners of University Challenge.