
Clash Of The Housemates: 28 Tiny Declarations Of War



15. Always include a smiley face when leaving death threats about the central heating. (via)

16. Be mindful of how you leave the bathroom for others. (via)

17. If you do something nice for your housemates, let them know! With human hair. (via)

18. Harness the logical power of a flowchart to get the dishes done. (via)

19. Use a shared activity to bond with your housemates. (via)

20. If you have a good time with your housemates, let them know. (via)

21. If you break something, be honest and own up. (via)

22. But remember there’s a fine line between ‘honest’ and ‘too much information’. (via)

23. Always do your fair share of the cleaning. (via)

24. Make sure your housemates get plenty of sleep. (via)

25. One way to stop people drinking your milk. (via)

26. Even if they do the washing up, chances are your housemates haven’t done it properly. (via)

27. Consider a bathroom flowchart for a positive lavatorial experience. (via)

28. And finally, when your housemate leaves, it’s time for the aggressive notes to stop. Time for an aggressive cake instead! (via)

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