
“Our Business is Booming!” Says Company That Supplies Wood To Board Up Shops

Economy News: A company that supplies large bits of plywood used to board up bankrupt businesses says it can hardly keep up with demand.

“Trade used to be steady but slow,” says Trevor Hout of Hout’s Timber in Hendon, Middlesex. “Then things really started to pick up after the riots in London, Manchester and the Midlands last year.”

“But now the entire high street seems to be going under, we’re having difficulty keeping up a steady supply of wood to shut up shops with. You should see the overtime my lads are putting in!”

Despite a boom in business, Hout says that until recent years his industry faced difficult times.

“Back in the nineties things were tough – we had to rely on drunks smashing shop windows as our main source of income. Now we just let the economy run its course.”

Story: Simon Swatman