
70% Of UK Population Most Worried About Homeland Spoilers

TV News: A new study suggests that the biggest worry 70% of the population have is that their friends will reveal plot points in Homeland, spoiling the show.

The study, by the Warwick University Department of Sociology, reveals that a majority of the British population are so worried about potential spoilers ruining the next episode of Homeland, they have almost stopped talking to people altogether.

“I certainly don’t speak to any of my friends who know how to use the internet,” said one avid viewer. “Because they’ve probably illegally downloaded it and are a week ahead of me. It’s just not a risk I’m willing to take.”

For others, the risk of spoilers ruining the story of CIA agent Carrie Mathison and US Marine Nicholas Brody poses a threat so great they have taken to locking themselves inside a windowless room.

“Staying spoiler-free means a hard and lonely life,” said one fan. “But being shut into this room gives me great empathy with Brody – if only my landlord’s ten-year-old son was killed in a drone strike then I’d really feel a connection with him.”

Story: Simon Swatman