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Paris Hilton becomes Buddhist monk

Paris News: She may be famous for living in a superficial, unreal world but Paris Hilton has shocked the entertainment industry today by declaring that “the world is superficial and unreal – nothing but illusion and emptiness. That’s why I have taken vows to become a Buddhist monk.”

“It was just an ordinary day in LA,” the former It girl, now with a shaved head, told journalists in her final interview before entering a ten year programme of silence, prayer and ascetic practice at the Tscehen Damchos Ling monastry, Karnataka, India.

“I dropped my iphone and I was angry with myself for being so clumsy, when the bellhop who picked it up for me just shrugged and said “nobody’s perfect”. It hit me like a rocket. Nobody is perfect – which was a revelation, because up to that moment I thought I was perfect – like, 100% perfect. The veil of tears that was my fevered ego began to dissolve. Luckily I’ve got the Dalai Llama on skype so pretty soon I was, like, OMG – the Four Noble Truths? They’re, like, totally awesome!”

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