Weird World

Ikea shows you how to make your own Game of Thrones cape

So it turns out the big woolly capes being worn by Jon Snow and the brothers of the Night’s Watch on Game of Thrones are actually £40 rugs bought from Ikea.

Not only that, the retailer has posted instructions on Facebook showing how to make your very own Game of Thrones cape.

First, buy one of the Skold sheepskin rugs.

Get the dark brown one, obviously.

It’s “soil repellant and hard-wearing” which is presumably why the Night’s Watch chose it.

Next, find yourself a pair of scissors and get to work.

Hey presto, you ARE Jon Snow! Well, kind of.

The show’s head costume designer revealed at a talk last year that the capes were made with the £40 sheepskin rugs bought from Ikea.
