
Katie Hopkins has just called for a “final solution” in response to the Manchester bomb and Twitter has united to tell her to do one

We regret to inform you that Katie Hopkins is at it again – this time asking for a “final solution”.

Everything is so predictable – these bastards waking up and going “great – this is my day – I can stick myself in the centre of this.”

Of course with plausible deniability – just words…

But she’s not thick – she knows what she’s saying – words chosen with laser precision to cause the maximum upset.

And there it is – the bullshit deletion and retraction.

Anyway – here’s some of the response that Katie’s shit-stirring got:







Katie Hopkins is a thing because she helps sell papers and helps create an environment where increasingly right wing policy is acceptable to the public.

And as @Robmanuel says “Can imagine the inevitable @KTHopkins column & equally imagine Twitter’s reaction to it. Wouldn’t it be great if we, for once, skipped both?”

But we can’t can we? We’re trapped in a grim cycle of provocation and outrage.

And we’ll leave the final word to the wise @TechnicallyRon.