Weird World

Canadian pub pours a “sacrilegious” pint of Guinness

A pub in Vancouver, Canada, has become the target of worldwide wrath after after using a photo of the world’s most badly poured pint of Guinness to promote Saint Patrick’s Day. Look at the state of this:

As you can guess, this heinous looking pint incurred the fury of Guinness lovers from around the globe.

The Irish Independent also got involved, calling the pint “sacrilegious”.

The pub owner admitted to CBC that it wasn’t the best pint ever poured.

“It was coming out of a can. It was frothing over the tip… instead of cascading up to have a nice proper head like Guinness is supposed to, it was a mess. We really annoyed an entire country. We actually do know how to pour a Guinness. It was a mistake and we take full responsibility for it.”

After all this “feedback” the pub put out a rather brilliant apology (and offered free drinks).
