
Framed! Art thief, mirror nicker – or removal man?


We’ve all been there, right? You’re in a nightclub, maybe you’ve had a drink, when suddenly something on the wall catches your eye. A piece of art, or a mirror, and you think … “I’ll have that.”

And then what happens? FLASH! Someone takes a picture and the act is captured for posterity forever – or, at least as long as people are looking at it on Twitter.

Initial Twitter suggested it was a “work of art”, although as many people pointed out, works of art aren’t entirely commonplace in nightclubs in south Wales.

Further investigation – a couple more tweets – revealed it was probably a mirror, suggesting whoever it was needed to take a “long hard look at himself”. Of course it did!

If it’s any help, it was Delusion night at the Swansea club called The Scene.

It turns out stranger things have been taken from nightclubs. Maybe.
