
If you buy clothing that says 100% silk on the packaging you probably don’t expect this on the inside label

Deasea over on Reddit got a nasty surprise when they bought a “100% silk” bit of clothing.

Yep, inside it actually said, “100% silk feeling polyester.”

100% Silk….

  • “100% Real cheese. Real is the brand name.”, writes blue-dot
  • ‘This is China! I have lived in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong. You find the old bait and switch in so many areas of life. From foreign policy, to retail, to contract negotiation. They even do this with food! “100% chicken”… Nnoope. The thing that gets me about it is that there is no sense of ethics about being two faced. If they screw you over they just laugh and say” you so stupid”, and if you catch them it’s “you so clever!”‘, notes EudaimoniaZ
  • “I’ve ordered a fabric or textile product out of China precisely three times on Each time it resulted in the same kind of hilarious false advertising as we see here. NEVER order anything from China that is made of any kind of fabrics. Every fabric product of every kind is going to be a very bad rip off and something you’ll end up throwing in the trash the day you get it.”, notes Clay_Ferguson

Source: Reddit