
Jeremy Corbyn’s election team have released “Jeremy Corbyn Emoji” and they’re laughably bad

The Labour leadership race hasn’t been without its farcical moments, such as Angela Eagle’s leadership bid launch being abandoned by most journalists because the UK had a new PM or Jeremy Corbyn speaking in a range usually only heard by bats and dogs

But, with the contenders whittled down to just Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith, the Corbyn for Labour campaign has pulled out all the stops by offering – JEREMY CORBYN EMOJI!

Although you don’t actually have to vote for Jezza to get the emoji, the campaign has posted sponsored ads on Twitter and Facebook to get anybody who thinks they have a vote to double check before the all-important ballot on 24th September.


It’s not clear whether they think Jeremy Corbyn needs to be seen to be more ‘down with the kids’ or what, but it seems unlikely that anybody will be swayed by free emoji – especially ones this badly drawn.

Whether it works or not, this has been the leadership campaign that keeps on giving and we can probably all understand the question posed by @WelshGasDoc on Twitter:

“What fresh Hell is this?”