
How Doctor Who would vote in Brexit according to YouGov

YouGov have made a funny poll on how UK TV characters would vote in Brexit.

Doctor Who* is IN.

Basil Faulty is OUT.

Yougov write:

With Voters still divided over the EU Referendum – We asked them how they thought 30 different fictional characters might vote

As we enter the final weeks before the EU referendum politicians, business leaders and even celebrities have entered the campaign. High profile celebrity endorsements have included Benedict Cumberbatch (Remain), Emma Thompson (Remain), Michael Caine (Leave), and Katie Hopkins (Leave).

With this in mind, YouGov asked voters how they thought 30 different fictional characters might vote on June 23rd. The full list, ranging from Postman Pat to Bridget Jones, can be seen below ordered by Net-Remain Score. Those at the top are viewed as most likely to vote Remain whilst those at the bottom as most likely to vote Leave.


* Yes we know he’s called The Doctor, shut up. Calling him “The Doctor” in a headline is confusing ok?